Thursday, January 7, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 8, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 8, 2021 is Sagitta.
Sagitta is a dim but distinctive constellation in the northern sky. Its name is Latin for 'arrow', and it should not be confused with the larger constellation Sagittarius, the archer. It was included among the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union. Although it dates from antiquity, Sagitta has no star brighter than 3rd magnitude and has the third-smallest area of any constellation. Gamma Sagittae is the constellation's brightest star, with an apparent magnitude of 3.47. Delta, Epsilon, Zeta and Theta Sagittae are each multiple stars whose components can be seen in small telescopes. Two star systems in Sagitta have Jupiter-like planets, while a third—15 Sagittae—has a brown dwarf companion. V Sagittae is a cataclysmic variable—a binary star system that is expected to go nova and briefly become one of the brightest stars in our sky around the year 2083.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 7, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 7, 2021 is Horseshoe bat.
Horseshoe bats are a family of more than 100 bat species. They are found throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. While many are brown, some species have black, reddish, or orange fur. They are small, weighing less than 30 g (1.1 oz), and are named after the horseshoe-shaped flap of skin on their noses, which helps them echolocate. They use echolocation to navigate and to forage for their prey of insects and spiders, maneuvering more slowly in flight than most bats. In colder regions, they hibernate during the winter months. Mating may occur in the spring or fall depending on the species, with gestation lasting about seven weeks before a single offspring is born. Typical lifespans are around six or seven years, though they can be as long as thirty years for some individuals. Dozens of SARS-related coronaviruses have been documented in horseshoe bats, which are hunted for food in parts of sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 6, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 6, 2021 is Homicide: Life on the Street (season 2).
The second season of Homicide: Life on the Street, a US police drama TV series, originally aired in the US in January 1994. Low ratings during the first season meant NBC ordered only four episodes before deciding whether to renew the show. The original cast returned for this season, the last to include Jon Polito. Jean de Segonzac was director of photography and Chris Tergesen was the music coordinator. "Bop Gun", was the last episode filmed, but became the season premiere due to a guest appearance by Robin Williams (pictured). The episodes "See No Evil" and "Black and Blue" featured a police shooting based on a real-life incident. Guest stars in this season also included Julianna Margulies, Wilford Brimley, Isaiah Washington, Adrienne Shelly and a young Jake Gyllenhaal. Homicide received generally positive reviews, and the show received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor for Williams. NBC demanded further changes to the show before committing to a third season.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 5, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 5, 2021 is Pacific blue-eye.
The Pacific blue-eye (Pseudomugil signifer) is a species of fish in the subfamily Pseudomugilinae native to eastern Australia. Described by Austrian naturalist Rudolf Kner in 1866, it comprises two subspecies that have been regarded as separate species in the past and may be once again with further study. It is a common fish of rivers and estuaries along the eastern seaboard from Cape York in north Queensland to southern New South Wales. The ranges of the two subspecies are divided by the Burdekin Gap in central-north Queensland. A small silvery fish averaging around 3–3.5 cm (1 1⁄8–1 3⁄8 in) in total length, the Pacific blue-eye is recognisable by its blue eye ring and two dorsal fins. It forms loose schools of tens to thousands of individuals. It eats water-borne insects as well as flying insects that land on the water's surface, foraging for them by sight. The Pacific blue-eye adapts readily to captivity.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 4, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 4, 2021 is Skegness.
Skegness is an English seaside town on the North Sea coast of Lincolnshire with 19,579 residents. The original Skegness was situated farther east but much of it was lost to the sea in the 1520s after the natural sea defences which protected its medieval harbour eroded. Rebuilt along the new shoreline, early modern Skegness was a fishing and farming village. From the late 18th century members of the local gentry visited for holidays. After the railways arrived in 1873, the major landowner turned the town into a seaside resort. It became a popular destination for holiday-makers from East Midlands factory towns such as Nottingham and Leicester. Despite the advent of the package holiday abroad in the 1970s, Skegness has a loyal visitor base; it has attracted new tourists and its affordability has fuelled a rise in visitor numbers since the 2010s recession. With a reputation as a traditional English seaside resort, the town received over 1.4 million visitors in 2015.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 3, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 3, 2021 is Revival (comics).
Revival is an American horror comics series created by writer Tim Seeley and artist Mike Norton (pictured). The pair worked with colorist Mark Englert and cover artist Jenny Frison to produce the series, which was published by Image Comics as 47 monthly issues released between July 2012 and February 2017. It has since been reprinted in both paperback and hardcover editions. Set in central Wisconsin, Revival follows the aftermath of the dead coming back to life. The story is centered on detective Dana Cypress and her sister Em, who was revived one day after she was murdered. As they investigate, they find that the motive behind Em's murder is linked to her revival. The series was nominated for three Harvey Awards in 2013, and Frison was nominated in the Best Cover Artist category in 2013 and 2015 in part because of her work on the series. Diamond Select Toys has released a Minimate toy of Em Cypress.

Friday, January 1, 2021

Wikipedia article of the day for January 2, 2021

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 2, 2021 is Perijá tapaculo.
The Perijá tapaculo (Scytalopus perijanus) is a species of passerine bird in the tapaculo family. Endemic to the Serranía del Perijá mountain range on the Colombia–Venezuela border, it is found at altitudes of 1,600–3,225 metres (5,200–10,600 feet). It measures 10 to 12 centimetres (3.9 to 4.7 inches), and its tail is 40 mm (1.6 in) long. Specimens occurred in museums, but this species was only described in 2015 based on sixteen birds found between 2008 and 2009. It is considered vulnerable. Adults have grey heads, brown necks, brown-sepia-striped backs, and grey-white bellies, breasts, and throats. Males have some buff markings on their breasts, and less defined brown nape spots than females. This tapaculo is secretive and therefore difficult to observe, so its ecology is poorly known. It feeds on insects and reproduces between April and July. Its range is partially within Chamicero de Perijá Bird Reserve in Colombia and the Sierra de Perijá National Park in Venezuela.