Sunday, December 13, 2020

Wikipedia article of the day for December 14, 2020

The Wikipedia article of the day for December 14, 2020 is 1789 Virginia's 5th congressional district election.
The first election for Virginia's 5th congressional district took place on February 2, 1789. In a race that turned on the candidates' positions on the need for a Bill of Rights, James Madison (depicted) defeated James Monroe for a place in the First Congress. It is the only congressional election in U.S. history in which two future presidents opposed each other. The race came about when former governor Patrick Henry and other Anti-Federalists sought to defeat Madison. They put forward Monroe, a young but experienced politician, who campaigned vigorously. Despite bitterly cold weather, the two candidates debated outdoors; traveling after one such meeting, Madison suffered frostbite on his face. Madison won the election comfortably, to the applause of his supporters such as President-elect George Washington. The race did not affect Madison's friendship with Monroe, who would serve as Madison's Secretary of State and succeed him as president in 1817.

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